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State Guard Conference Time
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onThe New Year is no longer new and the calendar is starting to fill up. Yes--it THAT time of is time for the State Guard Association Conferences!
From February through July most states and territories will have their annual conference where they get together to do the State's business. Often they will have small(ish) vendor displays as well. It is a wonderful opportunity to get some really sweet face to face time with the State Guard Commanders--IF they plan it right..
and have it in a central/accessible area of the state,
and if the weekend doesn't conflict with another state event,
and if the weather cooperates...
AND if the planners make sure that the Command Staff comes to the display area to spend a little time.
If all of that works, you have the makings of a great show and a good investment of your company's "time, talent and treasure."
So all of that considered, we are filling up our calendar with lots of state visits. We hope to see you in between now and July! Check our calendar...if we are coming to your State please visit with us!

Did it really take a year to launch--YES!
I have kids...and when you get pregnant, you expect 9-10 months of chaos and pain to get those adorable, squirmy bundles of joy...but when you build a new website...ummm... Well, even though I have been (personally) building our web sites since the late 90's...I still stupidly think I can tell someone: "It needs to do [...]

NGAUS CAP...What is a Corporate Advisory Panel?
So last year around September of 2014 I became aware of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) Corporate Advisory Panel because the were looking for people to run for these elected positions. I mulled the idea over for a year...wondered why, as an avid NGAUS fan, and show exhibitor, corporate partner and [...]