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NGAUS CAP...What is a Corporate Advisory Panel?
So last year around September of 2014 I became aware of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) Corporate Advisory Panel because the were looking for people to run for these elected positions. I mulled the idea over for a year...wondered why, as an avid NGAUS fan, and show exhibitor, corporate partner and [...]

Mississippi Sets the Bar High–Proud to Be Part of the Mississippi Guard Family
We just got back from the National Guard Association of the United States #NGAUS15 show in Nashville, and I wanted to share the huge impression made by the members of the Mississippi National Guard. We get requests quite frequently from various entities asking for support via money or products. As a small company our [...]

Florida Guard show and the First Muster
So we have just returned from St. Augustine and the show for the National Guard Association of Florida. It was a good show. From a business perspective, it was great to have the Command Team highlighted at the Ring of Honor event because it gave us faces to go with the names. [...]
Government %$# Contracting
So last week was our annual plant vacation/close down which left me and my brother in here pretty much alone. We had two shipments of lights to go out to the Government and with no one else in sight, the labeling and e-filing and shipping fell to me…wow! What a nightmare! What [...]

State National Guard Shows
So the girls and I just returned from our third State National Guard show this week, Georgia, and we really had a great time. The location was beautiful, being on Stone Mountain, and the Georgia Guard Family is so friendly and helpful! Work-wise, it was successful–I continue to be amazed at how [...]
I get a laugh every time a Soldier (BTW this is used generically for anyone in our US Military) asks me what the lumen output is of the flashlight. Oh. My Gosh…. marketing, marketing, marketing! They should be asking if the light will keep them safe. On the battlefield, unless you are a door [...]