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State National Guard Shows

Posted by Victoria McDermott on

So the girls and I just returned from our third State National Guard show this week, Georgia, and we really had a great time. The location was beautiful, being on Stone Mountain, and the Georgia Guard Family is so friendly and helpful! Work-wise, it was successful–I continue to be amazed at how our Phantom Warrior flashlight is an essential staple for people 15, 17, 20 years after they buy them. What has been really remarkable in the last 6 months of shows are the number of people who have had them for years willing to provide us with great POCs to make the lights a systemic issue so even more troops can benefit from our lights! #covertlightsmatter

I also had a great talk with one of my favorite trade show buddies and we discussed what makes us, as vendors, happy to support a state and attend their show. I am not talking about when we just pay to attend, but when we also give extra money to sponsor or partner with you. Here are the items we found endrearing:

  1. When attendees come and thank us. It is not that we need a pat on the back for the sake of the pat. Unlike other trade shows where we just pay to be in our 10×10 foot space, when we actually donate that extra money to your State, we are actually committing to you. And in the case of a small business like Phantom, even five hundred dollars makes a difference. We do not spend money haphazardly.
  2. When the members of our supported states stop by to say "Thanks" at other shows, like NGAUS. That makes us super happy to have someone from a state tell us "Thank you for supporting our state" even if they are not buying anything at the moment. The recognition is enough.
  3. When The Adjutant General has a vendor reception and introduces himself and his Command Team. Let's face it, we are hoping you buy from us so if we can at least get to see the faces of the people that might make that happen, it is appreciated. It is appreciated even more so when they take the time to talk to us during the weekend.
  4. When our banners are displayed in the conference hall. Yes, we know that you will not all run out and buy our product just because there is a banner up in front of you; but our hope is that if you need some new flashlights for example, you might think to yourself, "Hey let's check out Phantom because they might have what we need."

Maybe I just take everything personally because we are a family business, but these four things seem to be pretty universal in making Corporate Supporters/Donors feel good about their choice to support you. Anyway, thanks again Georgia Guard family!! We will see you next year and at NGAUS in Nashville!